Olympics Stadium - Bird Nest 奧林匹克鳥巢星期日我跑到著名的鳥巢.也就是奧林匹克的其中一棟場所Sunday I went to the Bird Nest which is one of the Olympics Stadium.又是一堆人 As usual, there were a ton of people.進到裡面什麼都沒有還要五十元人民幣It costs 50 CSN to get in, but there is nothing inside.在場正中間有奧林匹克娃娃In the middle of the field, there are the Olympic dolls.還有一些假人 真是詭異There were also menicans in the middle of the field which is kind of creepy.裡面的商店賣的都是有關奧林匹克娃娃的商品There are shops inside which sells the Olympic dolls.外面還擺了這幾個娃娃供照相Outside they also put those dolls for tourists taking pictures.這裡就是裡面的樣子This is what looks once you get insdie.外面的一些建築 我還不知道另一棟奧林匹克建築就在對面 - 水立方This is outside of Bird Next, I did not realize that another Olympic building is right next to the Bird Nest - the Square one. 這是鳥巢整個的架構 看起來跟鳥巢一樣 我一開始還不知為何叫鳥巢 想半天This is the structure of the Bird Nest; it looks a lot like a bird nest. I did not realize why it was called Bird Nest; it took me a while.我想這裡是體操進行的地方I think these are the buildings where gymnastics competitions were held..
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